By Getting Dental Implants, Can I Avoid Jawbone Resorption?

Dentist pointing at a jawbone model to a dental patient.

When people have one or more missing teeth that are left untreated, several issues can affect their oral and even overall health. One key issue that comes with having missing teeth is jawbone tissue loss and resorption. Jawbone loss and resorption can lead people to have a sunken in appearance in their face and jaw area. Additionally, having missing teeth is linked with increased risk for Alzheimer’s disease and even memory loss.

Fortunately, when people replace their missing teeth with dental implants in Allen, TX, they can remedy their tooth loss issues. With single, multiple, or full arch dental implants, patients can avoid experiencing jawbone resorption and achieve a great new smile!


How Do Dental Implants In Allen, TX Keep Jawbone Tissue Healthy And Dense?

Having missing teeth in the jawbone results in a lack of stimulation and blood flow to the affected areas. This leads to no nutrients getting to the jawbone, causing the jaw to reabsorb the bone tissue. This can cause the face to appear sunken-in or shriveled and it can create the look of an aged individual.

Dental implants are a revolutionary way to keep a patient’s jawbone tissue stimulated with the nutrients necessary to keep it dense and healthy. When people go to get treated with restorative dental implants, the procedure process will include:


A Consultation:

A thorough assessment of their oral health, with digital imaging, for a customized procedure.

Accurate Implant Placements With Advanced Technology:

Advanced technology can be used to accurately place the patients customized dental implants to ensure they are securely and permanently placed in their mouth.

Restored Jawbone Health:

The precise placement of the patient’s dental implants will ensure their jawbone tissue is saved, strengthened, and provided with essential nutrients to remain healthy and strong.


See Us Now For Your New Smile With Dental Implants!

Receive the best benefits for your oral and jawbone health, plus a beautiful new smile, with dental implants! You should come to our office so we can restore your smile with this restorative procedure. Get in contact with our doctor, Dr. Rebecca Bork at our office by Allen, TX to schedule your consultation today!

Will My Smile Be Stable And Comfortable With Implant Supported Dentures?

an implant supported denture model all on four implant posts.

When people are looking for a reliable and permanent way to replace their damaged or missing teeth, then they should look no further than implant supported dentures in Allen, TX. Dental health is an important aspect of overall health, and implant supported dentures can play a major role in restoring the health of a patient’s smile.

They offer several advantages over traditional dentures, including improved stability when eating or speaking and greater overall comfort. Continue reading to learn more about how implant supported dentures can improve smiles.


What Are Implant Supported Dentures?

Implant supported dentures in Allen, TX, are a type of denture that is supported by two or more dental implants. After the dental implants posts are strategically and accurately placed in the patient’s mouth, the dental implant posts can fuse with the patients jawbone in a natural process that is known as osseointegration.

After the dental implants have fused in the patient’s jawbone, they are a permanent part of the patients mouth and can stabilize the patient’s denture for years to come.


Are There Benefits To Getting Implant Supported Dentures In Allen, TX?

Compared to traditional dentures which only restore 20% of a patient’s biting power and dental functionality, requires constant repairs and maintenance, and are not a permanent tooth replacement option, implant supported dentures are a more stable, functional, and reliable tooth replacement option.

When patients get treated with implant supported dentures, they can look forward to having a stable smile, a stimulated jawbone, and the ability to resume a normal diet without having to worry about their dentures falling out and casing them discomfort.


Come To Our Exceptional Office For Your Implant Supported Dentures!

Are you ready to upgrade your smile from traditional dentures to stable and comfortable implant supported dentures? At our caring and experienced office, we can transform the look and function of your smile with this life-improving procedure. Get in contact with our doctor, Dr. Rebecca Bork, and our exceptional team at our office by Allen, TX to schedule your consultation today!

If I Don’t Get Dental Implants To Replace My Teeth, What Can Happen?

dental implant prosthetic being placed on dental implant posts.

Dealing with one or more missing teeth? For those who have missing teeth, they should consider getting treated with dental implants in Allen, TX. However, when people do not replace their natural teeth with dental implants, the beauty, health, and functionality of their smile ca be negatively affected. Continue reading to learn what could happen if people do not replace their missing teeth with dental implants.


What Happens If I Do Not Replace My Missing Teeth With Dental Implants In Allen, TX?

When people have missing teeth, their jawbone is no longer getting stimulated into health and density with a tooth root. Basically, when people with missing teeth do not get them immediately replaced with dental implants, their remaining natural teeth could begin to shift out of place, and they could begin to experience jawbone resorption in the areas of the jawbone where their missing teeth are.


Why Should I Replace My Missing Teeth With Dental Implants In Allen, TX?

In order to avoid having more teeth fall out and experiencing jawbone deterioration, patients with missing teeth should get them immediately replaced with dental implants. Dental implants have a dental implant post that acts like a natural tooth root, stimulating the jawbone so that it remains healthy and dense.  Additional benefits that come with getting treated with single, multiple, or full arch dental implants include:

  • Gives patients a permanent and stable new smile
  • Dental functionality is restored
  • Prevents bone loss in the patients face and jaw
  • It has a high success rate
  • Patients can maintain a normal diet
  • Dental implants can be cleaned and maintained the same way as natural teeth

When people replace their missing teeth with dental implants, they can rest assured they will have a healthy, functional, and aesthetically pleasing smile again.


Come To Our Office So We Can Replace Your Missing Teeth With Dental Implants?

Ready to get your missing teeth replaced by skilled and caring doctors you can trust? Get in contact with our doctor, Dr. Rebecca Bork, our office by Allen, TX to schedule your consultation with us today!

Am I Able To Have A Full Arch Of Missing Or Damaged Teeth Replaced?

a full mouth dental implant model with dental crowns and a dental bridge.

When people have a full arch of missing or damaged teeth, it can affect their dental functionality and the confidence in their smile. Luckily, full arch dental implants in Allen, TX can improve the look, function, and health of a patients smile. With full mouth dental implants, patients will be able to chew, speak, and smile with ease and confidence. If they are properly taken care of, full mouth dental implants can be a long-lasting solution.

Read on to learn more about how this advanced procedure can replace a person’s full mouth of missing or damaged teeth.


Is A Full Mouth Dental Implant Procedure Able To Replace My Missing Or Damaged Teeth?

In order to successfully replace a full arch of missing teeth or damaged teeth, in a full mouth dental implant procedure, four or more dental implants are used to restore a patient’s smile. The dental implants are strategically placed in the patients jawbone so that the patient has a stable and strong foundation to support their new smile for years to come.

Once the required dental implants have been accurately placed, the abutments can be placed on top. Abutments are metal cylinders that are used to attach the dental implant post to the dental prosthetic or implant supported dentures. While the dental implant fuses with the jawbone, in a natural process called osseointegration, a temporary full mouth prosthesis can be placed on the dental implants so that patients never have to be without teeth.

After the customized prosthetic or denture is ready, and the patient’s mouth has healed, the prosthetic or denture can be cemented onto the patient’s dental implants, giving them a brand-new smile. With full mouth dental implants in Allen, TX, a patient’s full mouth of missing or damaged teeth can be efficiently and effectively replaced so that they can eat the foods they want, speak with ease, and smile confidently.


Ready To Replace Your Full Arch Of Missing Or Damaged Teeth With Full Mouth Dental Implants?

Without a full mouth of functional, healthy, and aesthetically pleasing teeth, you will not be able to live your life the way you want to. At our caring office, you can get the smile of your dreams with full mouth dental implants in Allen, TX. Don’t wait to restore your smile with us. Get in contact with our doctor, Dr. Rebecca Bork, at our office by Allen, TX to schedule your consultation today! You’re just a few steps away from receiving a great new smile.

The Parts That Compose A Dental Implant And How The Dental Implant Is Placed

a dental implant dentist holding an oversized dental implant model.

Dealing with a less than stellar smile can certainly be a drag and impact a person’s daily quality of life. Fortunately, a skilled doctor can may recommend dental implants in Allen, TX to remedy this issue and restore the patients smile.

The parts that compose a dental implant and how it is placed in a patient’s mouth effect the patients smile in various ways. This blog explains what the parts of a dental implant are, how it is placed, and how the dental implant can restore the patients smile.


What Are The Parts That Compose A Dental Implant?

A dental implant in Allen, TX is composed of three parts: the dental implant post, the abutment, and dental crowns or prostheses. The dental implant post is made to act like a natural tooth root, stimulating the patient’s jawbone to stabilize the patients new smile.

The abutment is what attaches the dental implant post to the prosthesis or crown. The crown can be custom designed to make the patients new smile look natural and aesthetically pleasing.


What Are The Steps To Placing A Dental Implant?

Dental implants in Allen, TX can restore a patient’s smile when they have one or more missing teeth. There are a number of other factors that may lead to the need for dental implant surgery, including: advanced age; tooth loss caused by trauma, disease, or decay; and insufficient bone density in the jawbone.

Dental implants can also be necessary when a traditional implant supported dentures no longer provides the patient with the necessary support and function that they need. The dental implant surgery itself is typically an outpatient procedure that, depending on the patient and their circumstances, can be completed in just one or two hours. Patients can be given dental sedation dentistry before their surgery so that they have a comfortable and anxiety-free procedure.

During an implant surgery, the dental implant post is surgically placed into the patient’s jawbone. After the dental implant post has been placed, it fuses with the jawbone in a natural process called osseointegration.

Once the dental implant post is strategically placed, the abutment, a small metal cylinder, can be placed on top so the prosthesis can be attached to the dental implant post. Finally, the prosthesis is cemented into place, giving patients a stable, functional, and beautiful new smile.


It’s Time For You To Restore Your Smile With Dental Implants!

Because dental implants are specifically designed to restore the look, function, and health of your imperfect smile, don’t hesitate to improve your smile with them. Get in contact with our skilled doctor, Dr. Rebecca Bork, at our office by Allen, TX to schedule your consultation today! We can give you a long-lasting new smile.

Dental Implant Posts Can Improve Your Oral Health

a titanium dental implant post and crown model.

The dental implants are composed of a few, but necessary, parts. Dental implants have a dental implant post, an abutment, and a dental prosthetic or crown. The dental implant post in Allen, TX, is implanted into a patient’s jawbone by their trusted doctor. The dental implant post acts as a natural tooth root, stimulating the jawbone to make it healthy and strong. Dental implants are customized to a patient’s smile to look as natural-looking as possible.

Continue reading to learn more about how dental implant posts can improve a patient’s jawbone health.


How Are Dental Implant Posts In Allen, TX Placed In My Jawbone?

At the beginning of the dental implant procedure, dental sedation is used to numb the area so patients have a comfortable and anxiety-free treatment experience. After the dental implant posts are placed in into the patient’s jawbone, they go through a natural fusing process called osseointegration. With osseointegration, the patients dental implant posts fuse with their jawbone.

This means the dental implant posts are fixed and stabilized in the patients jawbone once they are healed into place. This is what makes dental implants a long-lasting solution to tooth loss. After the patient’s dental implants have properly healed, the dental prosthetic can be placed.

The dental prosthetic or dental crowns are designed to look and function like the patient’s natural teeth. With dental implants, patients can have their quality of life, dental function, and self-confidence restored!


How Dental Implant Posts Improve My Oral Health

Dental implant posts in Allen, TX can improve a patient’s oral health because they make the jawbone healthy and strong. With a strong and healthy jawbone, patients will be able to eat the foods they want, talk in comfort, and smile with ease and confidence. Plus, dental implant posts prevent a patient’s jawbone from reabsorbing.

With dental implant posts, patients can essentially get back to living a normal life. Without teeth, it can be very hard for people to do normal everyday activities. Single, multiple, or full arch dental implants give patients the opportunity to restore their imperfect and unfunctional smile for years to come.


You Should Come To Us To Get Your Dental Implant Posts Placed!

Dental implant posts can give you a strong foundation for a long lasting and healthy smile. If you are ready to get back to living a normal life, then you should come to us for this life-improving treatment. Our skilled doctor can expertly place your dental implant posts that can give you a new and improved smile for years to come.

Ready to get started on your journey to new teeth? Get in contact with our doctor, Dr. Rebecca Bork, at our office by Allen, TX to schedule your consultation today!

Reasons To Get A Temporary Dental Prosthetic

a dental implant dentist milling a full mouth dental implant prosthetic in a dental lab.

A trusted doctor may recommend people to get dental implants when they have one or more missing or damaged teeth. There are various types of dental implant options that can be used to replace missing teeth. These dental implant options are single dental implants, multiple dental implants, implant supported dentures, and full arch dental implants.

After one of these dental implant options are surgically placed in a patient’s mouth, a doctor can give patients a temporary dental prosthetic in Allen, TX until the patient is ready to get the final prosthetic. Temporary dental prosthetics are typically made from the material acrylic (pmma). There are many reasons why patients should get a temporary dental prosthetic.


What Is A Temporary Dental Prosthetic In Allen, TX?

A temporary dental prosthetic is a type of dental restoration designed to replace a patient’s missing teeth after their dental implant surgery. A temporary dental prosthetic can give patients a more aesthetically pleasing and functional smile after their dental implant surgery. A temporary dental prosthetic is commonly used as a short-term solution while a permanent prosthetic is being planned or fabricated.

Temporary dental prosthetics are usually made from polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) which is a strong, durable plastic material that can be molded and shaped to mimic the form of natural teeth. The prosthesis is made from a mold of the patient’s teeth, which is created in a dental lab to fit every patient’s unique smile.

The temporary prosthetic is then cut, shaped, and polished before it is placed in the patients mouth. A temporary dental prosthetic does not typically require any cementing or bonding and can be easily removed for cleaning. It is an excellent option for those who need a temporary solution.


How Are Temporary Dental Prosthetics In Allen, TX Placed?

A dental implant is composed of a dental implant post, usually made from the material titanium, that is placed into the patient’s jawbone. The temporary prosthetic can then be placed on top of the dental implant until the patient is ready for their permanent prosthetic. Once the temporary dental prosthetic is placed, patients can eat, speak, and smile normally.


Come To Us To Learn More About Temporary Dental Prosthetics

Dental implants with a temporary prosthetic are a great way to efficiently achieve your best smile yet. With a temporary dental prosthetic, you can come into our office with missing teeth and leave our office with the smile of your dreams. Ready to improve the look and functionality of your smile? Get in contact with our doctor, Dr. Rebecca Bork, at our office by Allen, TX to schedule your consultation today!

Why Would I Get Dental Implants After a Tooth Extraction?

a full mouth model showcasing a single tooth extraction.

Whenever possible, dental professionals try to save existing, natural teeth. However, when a tooth has undergone extensive damage or decay—or has become a problem for another reason—it sometimes needs to be removed. However, tooth extractions are not the end of the story. Once teeth are removed,  dental implants should immediately be placed.

Continue reading to learn more about why a dental implant in Allen, TX should be placed after a tooth is extracted.


What Happens To The Jawbone Once A Tooth Is Extracted?

Teeth serve many purposes. With functional teeth, people can bite, chew, and rip their foods properly. Teeth can also help people speak, allow them to whistle, and they can give people a beautiful smile.

However, when a tooth is missing and exposed gums are there, this can pose as a dangerous situation for the exposed area. Bacteria, for instance, can start growing in the area where missing teeth were due to food particles getting lodged in that space.

If left untreated, bacteria growth in the area of the missing tooth can lead to systemic health conditions if they travel from the mouth into other parts of the body through the bloodstream. This can potentially lead to issues with the heart, blood, lungs, and other organs. Therefore, it is critical to treat an area where a tooth is missing immediately, including the tooth roots.


Are Tooth Roots Necessary For Jawbone Health?

Teeth are more than just the pearly whites that show above the gumline. A tooth root is just as critical as the top, the crown, of the tooth. Tooth roots sit deep in the jaw, stimulating the jawbone. In fact, tooth roots “tell” the jawbone it is there so that it stays strong and stable for lasting teeth and jawbone health.

When a tooth falls out, gets knocked out, or is extracted, the jawbone is no longer getting stimulated. As a result, the shape of the jaw begins to change, which can lead to further bone loss and shifting of adjacent teeth. This is why getting dental implants in Allen, TX are the best option for improving jawbone health and giving patients a lasting and functional smile.


A Trusted Doctor Can Replaced Your Missing Teeth With Dental Implants In Allen, TX

It is important for people to have a healthy jawbone and for those with missing teeth, dental implants can keep their jawbone stimulated and strong. A dental professional can assess a patient’s mouth and accurately place the necessary dental implants with precision using advanced technology. This way, a patient’s jawbone and teeth remain healthy and looking great for a lifetime.


You Should Come To Our Office For Your Dental Implant Surgery

When you have missing or extracted teeth, your jawbone’s health and function are at risk. Be free from a damaged or dull smile with dental implants. Get in contact with doctor, Dr. Rebecca Bork at our office by Allen, TX to schedule your consultation today!

What Is The All On X Treatment?

a dentist painting a full mouth all on x dental prosthetic implant model.

Having a beautiful smile can certainly be a great feature to have. However, for those who have missing teeth, or those who have teeth that are damaged, misshaped, or even discolored, a trusted doctor can assess the patient’s teeth to determine which treatment option could be best for them. The All On X full arch dental implants procedure in Allen, TX is a great option to replace missing teeth.

How Are All On X Dental Implants Placed?

With All On X dental implant’s in Allen, TX, four to eight dental implant posts can be used to restore a patients smile. Dental implants are screw-like posts that are typically made from the material titanium. The dental implants are strategically placed in the patient’s jawbone, where they function as natural tooth roots.

Over time, the dental implants will fuse with the patient’s jawbone, creating a strong foundation for the implant supported dentures to be placed on. All On X dental implants are a long-term solution that can improve a patients oral health, appearance, and overall quality of life.

The Benefits That Come From All On X Dental Implants In Allen, TX

All On X dental implants have a long lifespan and will not wear out from normal chewing. They do not require removal and are a permanent tooth replacement option. All On X dental implants are a great alternative to dentures, which can become ill-fitting and move around in the patients mouth, causing them discomfort.

All On X dental implants can give patients a more stable bite, a restored smile, and a reduction in bone loss. Since All On X dental implants are customizable, they can be a great, personalized approach to dental care.

Come Replace Your Missing Teeth With Us

Don’t wait to replace your missing or damaged teeth with All On X dental implants. With this advanced procedure, you can replace your full arch of missing teeth, allowing you to chew, bite, speak, and smile with ease. Get in contact with our doctor, Dr. Rebecca Bork, at our office by Allen, TX to schedule your consultation with us today. All On X dental implants can restore your smile for years to come.

How Many Teeth Can Dental Implants Replace?

three single dental implants being placed into a jaw model.

Single or multiple missing teeth can be replaced by dental implants. Dental implants are a revolutionary dental restoration procedure that provides 99% bite power, new aesthetic appeal, function, and improved look and jawbone health. Dental implants are a fantastic option to achieve a new smile that a dentist in Allen, TX may recommend if patients are dealing with one or more missing or damaged teeth!


About The Dental Implant Procedure

Dental implants in Allen, TX are small titanium, biocompatible posts that are surgically placed into the jawbone and act as a root for the new tooth. Once in place, they provide a sturdy anchor for replacement teeth, which can be attached to the implant using a variety of methods.

For patients with insufficient bone tissue, the first stage of the procedure begins with a bone graft. The bone grafting is what allows the patient’s body to grow its own bone around the implant. This process usually takes between 4 and 8 months, but it may be longer if patients smoke or have other health problems that affect healing time.

The next stage of the dental implant procedure is the actual placement of the artificial tooth. Once the bone graft has grown to a healthy size, the dental professional can place a post into it. This post will be used to hold the new tooth in place. During this stage of the procedure, the dentist can also put an abutment onto the post. The abutment is what attaches to the artificial tooth.

Dental implants are a fantastic way to restore one or several teeth and should be done by a skilled dentist that used modern technology and has extensive experience and knowledge about dental implant placement. If taken care of properly, the results should last a lifetime!


What Are My Dental Implant Options In Allen, TX?

Implants can be used to replace one tooth, several teeth, or all of the teeth in the upper or lower jaw. They are also used to support implant supported dentures.  Dental implants are a popular and effective way to replace missing teeth. They are designed to provide a strong foundation for replacement teeth that look, feel, and function like natural teeth.


We Can Replace Your Teeth With Dental Implants In Allen, TX

Ready for a brand-new smile? Missing one or more teeth will no longer be an issue with dental implants. Get in contact with our doctor, Dr. Rebecca Bork, at our our office by Allen, TX office, to schedule an appointment today!