New Year, New Smile With Dental Veneers

dental veneers

A new year means it’s time to determine what you’re aiming to achieve in 2020. For some of us, a beautiful smile is all we want. Luckily, Dr. Rebecca Bork offers dental veneers if you want to cover up issues with your teeth and smile. Dental veneers is a cosmetic dentistry treatment that comes with many benefits. 

No Recovery Period

While other procedures require anesthesia, which usually results in needing to heal for a few days, a porcelain veneer treatment does not need the same recovery period. You’ll be able to recover from your procedure, drive home and go to work the day after. 

Coverage of Various Problems 

The thin porcelain shells cover up a lot of your pre existing dental issues. If your teeth are missing, chipped or scratched, veneers hide any areas of concern. You are also a perfect canidate if your teeth have underlying discoloration that can not be healed by regular whitening treatments.

Long-Lasting Solution 

Once your restoration is in place, you do not have to worry about them  for a long time. As long as you are taking care of your veneers, they will be able to last for 10 to 15 years. Proper cleaning includes the routine brushing and flossing.

 Durability and Strength 

Applied Over the tooth, the veneers are tightly held in place, so you can chew and speak with ease. Although, you should stop chewing hard things like ice cubes and your fingernails, other than that you should be able to eat normally. With peace of mind you can enjoy all of your favorite foods.

Expert Care

Veneers are only one of the many cosmetic dental treatments that you can receive at Dr. Rebecca Bork Family Dentistry in Allen, Texas. Dr. Bork has helped many people get the smile of their dreams and she is more than willing to help you fulfill your New Year’s goal. Just call us to get started.